Are you constantly sucked into doomscrolling, notifications, and task switching?

Do you feel guilty for having one eye on your phone when you're supposed to be having family time?

Distraction-Free Living eBook

A 60-page eBook to show you exactly how to eliminate common distractions and be more present in your life & work.

We've all had those moments...

Starting your day feeling anxious because you checked your email and the news first thing.

"Checking Instagram real-quick" instead of taking action on a priority you're feeling resistance to.

Using your email Inbox as your "to-do list" instead of purposefully focusing on your goals.

Your child seeing you with your nose in your phone, instead of watching them.

We all live with the distraction gremlins - namely our phones, emails, and computers.

But what if instead of letting these constant pings for our attention drag us away from our work and being present…

…we scheduled them so you can get in, get out, and get back to what you need to do?

What if instead of starting your day with news and emails…

…you let the day come to you slowly and beautifully while actually enjoying your coffee for a few minutes?

Distraction-Free Living is a habit muscle you CAN build.

And when you do, you’ll see the anxiety, overwhelm, and stress slip away little by little.

"There are so many tools and ideas in this book that I never even thought of! It's helping me create better habits around my attention and mindfulness with work and how I go through my day. Thank you!"

Sara F.
Virtual Assistant
The Distraction-Free Living eBook is a 60-page guide filled with tools and exercises to help you put boundaries around your attention, create purposeful habits, and live more mindfully.
We’ll never get rid of distractions in the world we live in.
But we CAN develop the skills and habits to take back control of our attention and choices.

What's Included in the eBook

Tips & tools to take back control of your phone, email inbox, and computer.

7 printables to help you take action, including a time tracker, distraction journal, task lists, and more.

How to eliminate multitasking and why it's keeping you stuck and distracted.

How to get ahold of "shiny object syndrome" and make better decisions about tools and apps. 

"The book was a quick read and I was able to easily follow the steps and put the ideas into action. I've been able to totally minimize my phone notifications and completely revamp my Gmail inbox. I cannot thank Cara enough for sharing her wisdom!

Annie D.
Virtual Assistant


We've got A's for your Q's
  • Who is the Distraction-Free Living eBook for?
    Anyone who feels like their phones, email, and computers are a constant distraction and stealing life's moments from them. Online entrepreneurs who have trouble getting their priorities and goals accomplished because they are overwhelmed with small tasks and notifications. People who want to take charge of how their devices play a part in their lives, instead of being ruled by them.
  • Is this a book you'll send to me?
    No. The Distraction-Free Living eBook is a downloadable PDF that you can read on any device or print out at home.
  • Is there support for this purchase?
    Of course! Should you need technical support, we’re available to help. Just email if you're having difficulty downloading the eBook.

    If you need personal support to help you be more productive, Cara is available for coaching. Learn more at
  • What is your refund policy?
    Due to the digital nature of this product, there are no refunds.

Meet Cara

Cara has been balancing her aversion to rules and bosses with the need for structure since 2013, when she had her first child and took on the role of social media manager for Megadeth and their 13 million online fans.

After realizing being a work-from-home entrepreneur was the best fit for her life, she built a digital marketing agency from scratch, had another kid, navigated constantly shifting priorities, moving houses, and life demands...and made it her mission to Work Better Live Well.

Ready to be more present and focused in your

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  • 1xDistraction-Free Living eBook$19.99

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